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From Uncertainty to Action: Must-Have Strategies to Strengthen Your Nonprofit

27 Feb 2025 1 PM | Zoom 

Presented by vChief

UNCHARTIABLE in theaters soon! 

Unlock the true power of change in UNCHARITABLE, a groundbreaking film that exposes limitations holding back nonprofits, empowering the sector to pursue its mission and create real impact. | In Theaters September 22, 2023.

Latest News

A Statement from MVNC: 

MVNC would like to reaffirm that our mission and values remain steadfast, no matter the political climate. As policies and leadership change, our commitment to our core values of community, equity, environmental stewardship, social justice and human rights does not waver. In the face of challenges posed by the current climate, we will continue to stand with our community, advocate for what is right, and work tirelessly to create a more just and sustainable future.

For resources and information to navigate changing policies, visit our Resources page

Nonprofit Programs

MVNC is committed to providing high quality, relevant, and effective workshops, trainings, and leadership support to nonprofits on Martha's Vineyard.


Started in 2022, the MVNC Shared Services Organization (MVSSO) was founded to create a collaborative network of nonprofits, service providers, and resources to help all our Island nonprofits thrive. Today, the MVSSO is our umbrella term for several shared resources for Island nonprofits. 

Nonprofit advocacy

Part of MVNC's mission is to advocate for the nonprofit community, its contributions and its needs and advocate for impact through collaboration and resource sharing.

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P.O. Box 1018 West Tisbury, MA 02575  
T:  917-855-1891
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