Beyond the Rainbow: LGTBQIA+ Inclusion in Practice
with Ali Kane of ALK Consulting
Monday, March 10, 11am-12:30pm
As LGBTQIA+ inclusion progresses, many companies are proudly proclaiming their support of the queer community. However, companies are also under scrutiny for rainbow-washing. Like green- or eco washing, rainbow-washing occurs when a company demonstrates LGBTQIA+ inclusion – such as making their logo rainbow on social media – without substantial actions in support of the queer community.
How can your organization and you as an individual, ensure that you are thinking about LGBTQIA+ inclusion year-round and keep the momentum going long after Pride Month ends?
This workshop will share best practices across human resources, marketing & communications, client services, and community collaboration for organizations seeking to be leaders in queer inclusion.
About the Speaker:
Ali Kane (she/they) a Queer nonprofit leader and lifelong learner committed to creating an inclusive, equitable, and accessible world for individuals with diverse identities and experiences. Through ALK Consulting, Ali offers LGBTQ+ inclusion workshops to create more affirming spaces for Queer folx to work and live.
Ali’s work is centered in encouraging compassionate curiosity and building relationships grounded in understanding and trust. This has manifested in founding the LGBTQ+ Museum Staff & Students affinity group, hosted by the New England Museum Association which fills a critical need in building queer community among museum professionals globally.
Ali was appointed to the American Public Garden Association’s Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA) Committee from 2017-20, and founded the IDEA Committee at New England Botanic Garden. They are part of the 2023 cohort of Boston’s Future Leaders, a collaboration between Harvard Business School and the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce, as well as hold a Master’s in Nonprofit Leadership from the University of Pennsylvania, and a Diversity & Inclusion Champion Certificate from the Bentley University Center for Women & Business.
Ali has served as a facilitator and consultant for The IDEA Center for Public Gardens, the New England Museum Association, American Association of State & Local History, and Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce.
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