-MVTimes, Wednesday, May 24, 2023 by Mollie Doyle
The Nonprofit Notebook series is a collaboration between MVNC and MVTimes that aims to help Island nonprofits tell their stories and reach a broader audience across the Island. Each month will feature a nonprofit issue, program or person that educates the public about the work being done and its often unseen impact.
"How do you age with grace? This is the question facing one in three Martha’s Vineyard full-time residents, who are more than 65 years of age. As most of us know, age is a funny thing. Depending on one’s health and a myriad of life circumstances — from job fulfillment and retirement finances to the health and richness of the relationships one has — one can be 80 and feel young or 60 and feel old. That said, no matter how one feels, one thing is true: As we age, at some point we will need help. It might be small. A railing to get down the stairs might suddenly be a necessary home feature. It might be big. Driving might no longer be possible, or a partner might have died sooner than expected, and one is stuck with a big house and bigger expenses. No matter what, Healthy Aging Martha’s Vineyard (HAMV) works to fill the gaps and offer support services to ensure that aging Islanders can live the healthiest, most enriched life possible."
Read the full article here.