What's on the Vineyard's Nonprofits wish list for 2020?
MVNC's 'YEAR IN REVIEW' shares bitesize stories from our nonprofit community to shine a spotlight on the essential services they provide and remind us how important their work is to our quality of life. We bet there is not a day that goes by that a nonprofits' work does not touch you. From wooden paths to doctor visits, to the food on your plate and artful cup that you drink from, nonprofits weave into our everyday life.
We invite you to this holiday season to give back. A donation of whatever you can afford goes a long way to further the good work that our nonprofits do.
Click button for a list 2020 Wishes.
Vineyard Nonprofits Wish List.pdf
Need to find a nonprofits contact? Visit our nonprofit directory.
Vineyard Nonprofits Directory
Have a Happy Holiday.